Sunday, November 7, 2010

Decisions Decisions

Hubby has been saving aside some money to do whatever he wants with it. Usually he spends it on us, but sometimes he buys items for himself. He came to me the other day and offered me a choice on some items to buy. The choices are..... a new deck box (our current one is breaking), get the windows on his car tinted, or buy me a mini laptop. I said no to the deck box. That is an item for the house and we can buy that from the house account or budget for it later. His car spends the majority of the time in the garage, but he has wanted his windows tinted since he got the car almost 2 years ago. I would love a mini laptop, but it seems selfish to ask him to spend his money on me. I have been in a school slump lately and maybe he is thinking this will pull me out of the slump. I don't know if it will or it won't. What do I do? Should I be selfish and go for the laptop or should I tell him to get his windows tinted. This decision shouldn't be this hard.

1 comment:

  1. Tell him to get the windows...but ask for a laptop for Christmas? I'm dreaming of an iPad...but don't think I'll do it.
