Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thank You Chef Robert Lewis

Hubby and I attended the TCOYD (Take Control of Your Diabetes) seminar yesterday and it was extremely informative.  We learned that we are actually doing well in many areas, but there is still room for improvement.  One of the demonstrations I like the most was from The Happy Diabetic, Chef Robert Lewis.  He made a 3 course meal in less than an hour and showed us all how easily it could be done without blowing our way of eating.  After his demonstration, I purchased his cookbooks and had a chance to chat with him.  He told me something that really clicked.  He said, the secret to cooking is to not be afraid to take a risk.  And from a diabetic standpoint, his goal is just to do better today than he did yesterday.  Nothing magical, just one day at a time.

I realized after talking to Chef Robert, that I am afraid to take risks; and I have no idea why.  I used to cook all the time, but have gotten timid about cooking.  So, Thank You Chef Robert for those simple but eye opening words.

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