Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Beer, Tomatoes, and Jalapenos

Beer, tomatoes, and jalapenos. What do these three things have in common? My dog, Riley, loves them. Yesterday after work I went outside with a beer and kicked around in the yard a bit before checking out the garden. Instantly when hubby or I picked up the beer, she did a "sit" and "watch me" (this is what she was trained to do before she could get a treat). She was so intent on getting a drink, nothing could break her focus. So, hubby have her a little of beer and she was in heaven. Then when we went to the garden, there were lots of jalapenos to be picked. As soon as she saw the first jalapeno, she instantly did her commands. She was very disappointed as there were no jalapenos to be shared. Then on to the beans and cucumbers which she has no interest in, but was almost drooling on herself when we got to the tomatoes. Hubby gave her one of the tomatoes and she was a happy doggy. It is a good thing I have my garden fenced or she would be out there eating all of my veggies.

1 comment:

  1. Silly pup! I guess she really is a Tex-Mex Dog, she loves ingredients to a great salsa! With a tall cool one on the side!
