Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thunderclouds Turkey Trot

On Thanksgiving Day, hubby and I volunteered at the 19th Annual Thunderclouds Turkey Trot. It was a really early morning, we got there at 6:20am, and lasted until around 1pm. Although we were exhausted when we finished, we had a really good time. We helped with setting up the volunteer booth, hubby helped hang banners since he is so tall, we made sure the port-a-potties had plenty of toilet paper, handed out water, helped crowd control at the start/finish lines, and helped clean up. They were expecting about 10,000 runners this year, but ended up having well over 14,000 attend. It was a lot of fun and we will definitely volunteer to help again. This picture is from the start/finish line before well before the crowd arrived.

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